Safeguarding adults and children vision statement
Safeguarding covers a range of activities, undertaken by all of us, to support all adults and children’s rights to be safe. At Newmedica we hold the value that living a life free from harm and abuse is your fundamental human right.
Whilst we only treat adults, we know that children will sometimes attend appointments with family members or carers. We therefore acknowledge our statutory responsibilities to protect adults at risk of abuse, and to promote the welfare of children and young people enabling them to retain independence, well-being, dignity and choice. This requires a ‘think family’ approach as adults, children, young people, and their families and carers don't exist or operate in isolation.
Safeguarding is a high priority for Newmedica and is fundamental to providing high-quality care. We believe that safeguarding is everybody’s business and we have put measures in place to protect those least able to protect themselves. Every member of our staff has an individual responsibility for the protection and safeguarding of children and adults at risk.
For our staff, safeguarding covers a range of activities from promoting health and wellbeing to protection from harm. Effective safeguarding depends on a culture within Newmedica, where anyone can raise concerns with confidence and any response is effective and sensitive to the needs of those involved.
Safeguarding is everyone’s business
Newmedica has safeguarding policies and procedures in place, which are reviewed and updated to reflect current national guidance.
Newmedica ensures staff receive training to ‘think family’ and know why and how they should report safeguarding concerns and incidents.
In developing the position statement Newmedica has taken into consideration:
• The Care Act 2014 which provides the statutory framework for safeguarding adults at risk. The Act outlines our key expectations and good practice for our practitioners who carry out these statutory functions when protecting adults at risk from mistreatment.
• Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 states that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Working Together outlines the duties for our organisation in working with children.
Domestic abuse vision statement
All adults, children, and young people, regardless of gender have the right to live free from the fear of violence and abuse. This core value underpins the foundation on which Newmedica staff work and conduct themselves.
The Domestic Abuse Act, 2021, emphasises that domestic abuse is any type of emotional, controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, physical violence, economic abuse between people who are, or who have been in a relationship regardless of gender or sexuality. It can also happen between adults who are related to one another.
The Act recognises children as victims of domestic abuse if they ‘see, hear or otherwise experience the effects of abuse’.
Newmedica has domestic abuse policies and procedures in place for supporting staff and for supporting patients, their families, and carers.
Getting help for domestic violence and abuse - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Prevent vision statement
The Prevent duty is a priority part of safeguarding in both protecting our Newmedica staff and our patients, their families, and carers. Prevent is about safeguarding our communities by helping to prevent the risk of people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism
All Newmedica staff have a duty to recognise and report where patients or staff are vulnerable and susceptible to radicalisation. We recognise that safeguarding against radicalisation is no different from safeguarding against any other vulnerability.
Newmedica has a Prevent policy in place, which is reviewed and updated to reflect current national guidance.
Newmedica ensures its staff receive training in line with national training requirements and know how to respond and refer Prevent concerns.